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Animal Permits

Animal Permits

Council's Local Law and Subordinate Local Law 2 has provisions for the keeping of additional animals under certain circumstances.

To find out your property size and to determine the maximum number of animals you can keep on your property without prior approval please contact Council.

Additional animal approvals

The local law allows for additional animals to be kept in certain circumstances.

Applications are considered on a case by case basis and applications are required to be made prior to acquiring the animal. If an animal is acquired prior to an application and that application is declined, then you will be directed to remove the animal from the premises.

In the first instance, it is recommended that you contact Council to discuss your proposal and request the appropriate application form.

The application fee is not refundable if the application is declined.

Council will assess the application and conduct an inspection of the premises. Minimum standards and conditions for keeping of animals are applicable and outlined on the application form.

The applicant will be advised of the decision in writing.

Animal Breeder and Kennel/Cattery approvals

If you are breeding animals in a commercial manner you may be bound by Council's Planning Schemes.

If you are breeding dogs as hobby you do not need to apply for a permit with Council, however, you must comply with Council's Local Law and Subordinate Local Law 2 requirements and standards for keeping of animals. All pups must be microchipped and registered with Council by 3 months old (12 weeks) at which time Council has an obligation to enforce the State Government legislation concerning permissible number of animals per property.

Queensland Dog Breeder Register (QDBR)

If you breed a dog (i.e., your dog has a litter) you must have a supply number issued from the Queensland Dog Breeder Register (QDBR).

This is regardless of whether you are breeding dogs as a business or whether your family dog has unplanned pups. Breeders need to log their details within 28 days of their puppies being born and will be issued with a unique identification number, known as a supply number. There are some exceptions for some working dog producers. 

For more information on registering for a supply number go to the Queensland Dog Breeder Register website.

When you need a permit

A breeder or show permit is required when:

  • Dogs or cats are kept for sale or showing; or
  • More than two dogs or three cats are kept for showing; or
  • More than two racing dogs (greyhounds or whippets) are kept; or

For Kennel/Cattery boarding kennels, a permit is required where:

  • A business provides a service to house cats/dogs for a fee; or
  • A business also undertakes breeding and/or showing

Council has a role in regulating kennels and catteries to ensure these activities are carried out in a safe and sanitary manner, whilst preventing nuisances to neighbours and the surrounding environment.

Property inspections will be required to ensure animals will be kept in accordance with the minimum standards described in Subordinate Local Law 2.


​Refer to Council's fees and charges.

Visiting animals

Animals may visit the region providing that:

  • The number of animals on the property does not exceed that described
    in the local law 2
  • And no nuisance complaints are received

Any visiting dog/s must be registered with Council or another Local Government.


Cats and dogs being looked after by a temporary foster carer must be registered as per the Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008.

The number of cats and dogs kept on both a temporary and permanent basis at a foster carer's property must not exceed that described in the local law. Animals allowed by property size and location available here.