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Water & Wastewater

Customer Service Standards

The purpose of the Water and Wastewater Customer Service Standards (April 2020) (PDF) is to describe South Burnett Regional Council’s water and wastewater customer services and standards in accordance with the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 and Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 2014.

Council’s CSS document provides:

  • an explanation of the services offered for drinking water, wastewater collection and treatment. General information is also provided about the provision of trade waste services; however trade waste customers are expected to have individual contracts with Council that will contain information specific to their requirements
  • declared water supply and wastewater service areas
  • information on a range of customer service processes including connections, metering, billing managing maintenance work, complaints and dispute resolution
  • a list of key performance indicators and targets to express the level of service Council aims to deliver to its customers and the environment. This includes standards for drinking water quality, water pressure, water supply interruptions, wastewater overflows and odours, response times and repair completion times.

This document also sets out our shared rights and responsibilities.

Overall, the Customer Service Standards inform customers of the service that they can expect to receive from South Burnett Regional Council, and the obligations of customers in relation to their use of the water and wastewater systems. The document is available to all customers. It applies to all customers who do not have a specific or individual contract with Council for supply of water and wastewater services.

The Water and Wastewater Customer Service Standards were adopted at the General Council Meeting held on 29 April 2020.

Water Supply and Sewerage Declared Service Areas

South Burnett Regional Council has Declared Water Supply and Sewerage Service Areas that were resolved by Council on 29 April 2020 as required under Division 2 Service Areas, Section 161 Declaration of service area - Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008.

Under Section 163 - Map of service area (2)(b) of the Act, Council is required to review, and update declared service area maps annualy.  The following report provides the review and process for determining the boundary extents for the Declared Water Supply and Sewer Services Areas for the South Burnett Region.

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Quarterly Infrastructure Report (This report is subject to change eg. weather conditions)

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Drinking Water Quality Management Report

The Drinking Water Quality Management Report documents the performance of South Burnett Regional Council's drinking water service with respect to water quality and performance in implementing the actions detailed in the drinking water quality management plan (DWQMP) as required under the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008.

2023-2024 Report

Water & Wastewater Performance Report

South Burnett Regional Council has published its annual performance report for Water and Wastewater Services. This report provides information to consumers on the key performance indicators for Council's Water and Wastewater Services.

2023-2024 Report

Trade waste

Businesses wishing to discharge trade waste into council's sewer require a "Trade Waste Permit".

Trade Waste Permit Application

Water Consumption Charges for Residents

The net cost associated with the reticulation of water supply in each scheme will be funded by a per kilolitre charge (consumption charge) for every kilolitre of water used as measured by a meter. Meters shall be read as near as practicable to 30 June and 31 December each year, but generally throughout the months of June and December. Water Consumption charges will be included on each six monthly rate notice.

This charge for all schemes excluding Proston Rural Water Supply Scheme is based on a tier system calculated on the volume of water used in kilolitres. The step system rewards households with low water usage and penalises households with high water usage.

Council believes that the higher consumption charge for higher steps will be a significant incentive for residents to conserve water and implement water saving devices.

In the case of the Proston Rural Water Supply Scheme a flat per kilolitre charge for every kilolitre of water used as measured by a meter will apply.

Tier Range Limits and Charges are available on Council's rates page here.

Water and Wastewater Documents and Forms

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