All local residents are being encouraged to Respect it or Regret it this bushfire season.
Prepare yourself by creating a Bushfire Survival Plan and pack a Bushfire Survival Kit and have it accessible and ready to use.
Prepare for Bushfire Season
An unprepared property is not only at risk itself, but may also present an increased danger for neighbours. A well prepared home is easier to defend and reduces the risk to surrounding properties.
Prepare for bushfire season - Queensland Fire Department
Know your Risk
Bushfires can affect anyone, anywhere in Queensland. All residents should be prepared for bushfire. All Queenslanders need to be prepared for bushfire. You don’t have to live in the bush to be threatened by bushfires, just close enough to be affected by burning material, embers, and smoke.
Know your risks | Queensland Fire Department
Tune into Warnings
It's up to you to take notice of official Bushfire Warnings, stay informed, make decisions and act.
Tune in to Warnings | Queensland Fire Department

Fire Danger Ratings
Fire danger ratings describe the potential level of danger should a bushfire start. These ratings are originally published by the Bureau of Meteorology and are updated daily.
Fire Danger Ratings | Queensland Fire Department

Current Bushfire warnings and incidents
Current bushfire warnings and incidents | Queensland Fire Department
Current Fire Bans/Restrictions, Obtainng Permits and Fire Wardens
In Queensland, the Fire Services Act 1990 is the principal legislation that deals with lighting fires in the open. The Act provides a systematic approach to the authorised use and control of fire in the open and for fire prevention. Click on the below links to find out:
“Current Fire Bans/Restrictions” Fire Bans & Restrictions | Queensland Fire Department
“How to obtain a Permit” Lighting fires in Queensland | Queensland Fire Department
“Fire Warden Finder” Fire Wardens | Queensland Fire Department