Local Heritage Register
Local Heritage Study
Converge Heritage and Community were engaged by Council to undertake a Heritage Study in July 2015. The aim of the Study was to identify a more comprehensive list of local heritage places across the region and provide additional supporting information as it relates to the significance of these places. View the completed South Burnett Heritage Study (PDF).
The study identified a total of seventy-eight (78) places of local heritage significance. It also includes a long list of additional places for further investigation. Council may investigate these places and make amendments to the register over time.
Public consultation of the seventy-eight (78) places occurred between 24 June 2016 and 22 July 2016. Following review of submissions, Council resolved at its General Meeting of 21 September 2016 to adopt sixty-nine (69) of the places identified. Some places are also included in the Queensland Heritage Register.
View the Local Heritage Register - Place Cards (PDF)
Queensland Heritage Register
Local Heritage Places are different to those places included in The Queensland Heritage Register administered by the Queensland Government. The full list of Queensland Heritage Places as well as information for development of these places can be found on the Queensland Government website.
Land owners proposing development on these places should contact the Queensland Government Department of Environment and Heritage Protection on 13QGOV.
Development on a Local Heritage Place
The best way to protect heritage places is to ensure they remain in use and are valued by the community. South Burnett Regional Council will strive to work with property owners, or those intending to own a heritage place to reach suitable outcomes that conserve the fabric of these places.
Development is assessed against the [Code for IDAS] in the Queensland Heritage Regulation 2003. Propety owners and developers of a local heritage place are encouraged to contact Council when planning for development to determine what their responsbilities are in relation to heritage.
It is important to note that, in most cases, development would require approval under the planning scheme regardless of the heritage significance of the place. Most development is assessed against other parts of the planning scheme and heritage is only a part of this process.
Owners of places on the local heritage register only need approval for work that is defined as 'development' in the Sustainable Planning Act 2009. For example, painting and general maintenance are not 'development' and therefore do not require approval. The use of the property at the time of entry to the register also remains unaffected; for example, if stock are run on the property, this can continue without change, if this use is already consistent with the planning scheme and any previous approvals.
Frequently Asked Questions
This Local Heritage Register pamphlet (PDF) outlines what is a local heritage register, how are places defined, approvals required to undertake building works on local heritage places and making submissions to include a place on the register.
Contact Us
For any enquiries in relation to any of the above including how to apply to have a property included on the local heritage register, enquiries about specific heritage places as shown on the place cards or any other general local heritage queries, please do not hesitate to contact Council's Planning Branch by telephone (07) 4189 9100, or email info@southburnett.qld.gov.au
Superseded Local Heritage Listings
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