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Burnett River and Tributaries Catchment Flood Study


Seeking community experiences and knowledge

The Burnett River is located in the Wide Bay-Burnett region and has a catchment area of about 33,000 square kilometres. Major flooding in the Burnett River is relatively infrequent, however, under favourable meteorological conditions, heavy rainfalls can result in significant floods.

The purpose of the Flood Study is to provide a better understanding of flood behaviour throughout the Burnett River catchment which, in the future, will be used to improve flood management and response and provide up-to-date information for land-use and infrastructure planning.

The Flood Study will be carried out over the next two years and the community will be invited to share their knowledge and experiences related to floods in the catchment throughout the Flood Study.

We are now collecting and reviewing data for Phase 1 of the Flood Study, and we would like to hear from you about your experiences with floods.

For further information and to share your knowledge and information, see the below options:

For further information visit Council's website here.