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Councillor Legislative Information

What is the role of a Councillor?

Councillors represent their community to ensure the good rule and governance of their electoral area. In summary, councillors are responsible for:

  1. A councillor must represent the current and future interests of the residents of the local government area.
  2. All councillors of a local government have the same responsibilities, but the mayor has some extra responsibilities.
  3. All councillors have the following responsibilities—
    1. ensuring the local government -
      1. discharges its responsibilities under this Act; and
      2. achieves its corporate plan; and
      3. complies with all laws that apply to local governments;
    2. providing high quality leadership to the local government and the community;
    3. participating in council meetings, policy development, and decision-making, for the benefit of the local government area;
    4. being accountable to the community for the local government’s performance.

What is the role of the Mayor?

  1. The mayor has the following extra responsibilities -
    1. leading and managing meetings of the local government at which the mayor is the chairperson, including managing the conduct of the participants at the meetings;
    2. preparing a budget to present to the local government;
    3. leading, managing, and providing strategic direction to, the chief executive officer in order to achieve the high quality administration of the local government;
    4. directing the chief executive officer and senior executive employees, in accordance with the local government’s policies;
    5. conducting a performance appraisal of the chief executive officer, at least annually, in the way that is decided by the local government (including as a member of a committee, for example);
    6. ensuring that the local government promptly provides the Minister with the information about the local government area, or the local government, that is requested by the Minister;
    7. being a member of each standing committee of the local government;
    8. representing the local government at ceremonial or civic functions.
  2. A councillor who is not the mayor may perform the mayor’s extra responsibilities only if the mayor delegates the responsibility to the councillor.
  3. When performing a responsibility, a councillor must serve the overall public interest of the whole local government area.

Councillors have regular meetings to make decisions and to discuss local issues. Councillors focus on the policy directions of the local government, not the internal day-to-day administration of the local government. The role of councillors is to make decisions, which council officers can then implement on their behalf.

Code of Conduct

On 22 September 2021 South Burnett Regional Council adopted the Code of Conduct for Councillors in Queensland (Resolution 2021/147).  The Code of Conduct sets out the principles and standards of behaviour expected of Councillors and Mayors when carrying out their roles, responsibilities and obligations as elected representatives for their communities. View the Code of  Conduct for Councillors in Queensland here.

The code demonstrates Council's commitment to the following local government principles contained in the Act:

  • transparent and effective processes, and decision-making in the public interest;
  • sustainable development and management of assets and infrastructure, and delivery of effective services;
  • democratic representation, social inclusion and meaningful community engagement;
  • good governance of, and by, local government; and
  • ethical and legal behaviour of Councillors and local government employees.

The code sets out the statutory, ethical and behavioural obligations of Councillors and outlines the types of breaches and penalties under the Local Government Act 2009.

Councillor Remuneration Level

Remuneration levels for councillors are set by an independent state government convened Tribunal: the Local Government Remuneration and Discipline Tribunal. Each year the Tribunal undertakes a review of the remuneration levels and publishes a report with their recommendations. For further information on the remuneration of councillors contact the Department of Local Government or download the most recent Local Government Remuneration Tribunal Report. Past reports are also available via this link.

Councillor Discretionary Funds

The South Burnett Regional Council has established Councillor Discretionary Funds in support of community purposes and meeting requests for financial assistance from community organisations.

In accordance with Section 202 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 and Section 109 of the Local Government Act 2009 Council adopted the Councillor Discretionary Fund Availability Notice.

Councillor Complaints

View details of Councillor complaints and their outcomes.

Alternately, a copy of the register is available from for viewing from Council's Customer Service Centres.

Expenses for Reimbursement Policy

Council has adopted an Expenses Reimbursement Policy for Councillors in accordance with the Local Government Regulation 2012.

The policy ensures compliance with statutory requirements and community expectations relating to the payment or reimbursement of legitimate expenses and the provision of facilities. It also ensures councillors have the facilities and support necessary to perform their civic duties as elected representatives of their local communities.

Councillor Register of Interests

Pursuant to Section 295 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 the Registers of Interest of the Mayor and Councillors are available below. Original signed Statement of Interests are available for inspection at the Kingaroy Customer Service Centre.

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