The South Burnett Arts, Culture and Heritage (ACH) Committee provides the South Burnett Regional Council with:
Councillor Danita Potter
The Arts & Culture Advisory Committee’s purpose is to provide information and advice about current and emerging arts, culture and heritage related matters to South Burnett Regional Council for decision-making and planning. More information on the Arts, Culture & Heritage Advisory Committee can be found within the policy.
Member | Interests |
Craig Reiger | South Burnett Musical Comedy Society |
Andrew Maddern | South Burnett Community Orchestra |
Pam Kerr | Kingaroy Heritage Museum |
Robyn Dower | South Burnett Arts Inc |
Elaine Madill | Wondai Regional Art Gallery |
Tonita Penny | Community Representative |
Nominations for representation on the ACH Advisory committee are closed. For more information please download the following Arts, Culture and Heritage Advisory Committee.
Committee members are appointed for a 2 year term.
Nominations are called in May prior to the end of the 2 year term of the current committee. This generally falls in an even numbered year (e.g. 2024 and then again in 2026). With the new committee commencing 1 July.
Members consist of maximum six (6) representatives from service providers/agencies or organisations who have expertise and experience in the provision of arts, cultural and heritage in the region and two (2) community representatives with an interest in arts, cultural and heritage in the region. Membership selection will include consideration of the arts, cultural and heritage sectors and ensure diversity and geographical spread.
Meetings are held quarterly with a minimum of four (4) meetings per year.
The Committee is also responsible for assessing RADF applications in accordance with Council’s Community grants Program Policy.