This grant is provided to encourage excellence in sport, the arts and education providing opportunities for the professional development for youth (up to 25 years).
The grant provides assistance for South Burnett residents to attend competitions or programs representing Queensland or Australia in their chosen performance field (No funding is available for South Burnett or Wide Bay representation levels).
Successful applicants are only eligible to receive one (1) allocation per financial year and can apply for up to:
Applications from multiple members of a team or group will be bundled and considered as a whole with funding available up to $2,000 per team or group.
Applications will be assessed by the Community Grants Program Assessment Panel against the Community Grants Program Policy based on the Assessment Criteria with approval by the General Manager Liveability.
Applications can be made throughout the financial year. Apply here.
For further information, please contact Council on phone (07) 4189 9100.