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Project/Program One-off Sponsorship

The Project Plan/Program One-off Sponsorship funding round opens 1 August - 31 August and 1 February - 28 February of each year.

A project plan/program outline (including budget) will need to be provided with the application. Council will determine on a case by case basis the requirements for acknowledgement of sponsorship. The fund will provide sponsorship for an individual project/program of up to $3,000.

Applications will be assessed by the Community Grants Program Assessment Panel against the Community Grants Program Policy based on the Assessment Criteria. A recommendation will be made by the Community Grants Program Assessment Panel to the Chief Executive Officer for approval. The Community Grants Program Assessment Panel will comprise of six (6) Councillors as decided by Council.

For further information please contact Council on phone (07) 4189 9100.

Project/Program One-off Sponsorship Forms