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Can you help – Care Army


South Burnett Regional Council is calling on volunteers in our community to join the #CareArmy.

The Care Army is for people who want to help older people living in the South Burnett who may not have friends, family or neighbours who are able to support them during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Care Army is focused on social connection and essential services such as the delivery of groceries and medications, as well as phone calls or videos chats to check on the well-being of older and vulnerable Queenslanders.

Find out more and register via the Volunteering Queensland’s Emergency Volunteering website.

South Burnett Regional Council reminds residents to follow the Queensland Government messaging: If you are sick, stay home; if you're feeling unwell with symptoms of COVID-19, you should contact your doctor about being tested; practice social distancing; continue good hygiene practices.

Care Army