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South Burnett secures funding to progress Kingaroy Transformation project


Today marks a significant milestone in South Burnett’s history, with an announcement by the Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management, The Honourable David Littleproud MP.

Today marks a significant milestone in South Burnett’s history, with the announcement by the Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management, The Honourable David Littleproud MP, that Council has secured $4.7M funding through the Federal Government’s Building Better Regions Fund to progress the Kingaroy Transformation project.

South Burnett Regional Council Mayor Brett Otto said, “This is a once in a generation project which will transform Kingaroy as a regional centre and provide direct benefits, not just to Kingaroy, but to the entire South Burnett region. The transformation project will provide significant social and economic benefits including underpinning population growth for Kingaroy and other townships right across the South Burnett.”

Council has previously redeveloped the main streets including CBD footpaths at Proston and is currently progressing the Murgon CBD Footpath redevelopment. The Kingaroy project is an addition to Council’s ongoing commitment to its CBD redevelopment program, with future footpath redevelopment programs to be considered for the communities of Wondai, Blackbutt, Kumbia and Nanango.

“The project, budgeted at $11.3M, includes substantial redevelopment of the main streets of Kingaroy’s Central Business District (CBD) with significant upgrades to stormwater drainage, power, roads and water supply, Mayor Otto said.

“Infrastructure improvements include the redevelopment of footpaths, relocation of overhead electrical services underground, new street furniture and structures, raised pedestrian build outs and installation of pedestrian crossings for improved safety; the installation of infrastructure for smart community readiness, and; landscaping, reconstruction of the road pavement and new line marking and regulatory signage.”

“Community improvements include safe, accessible spaces for community activation with CCTV, lighting, shade trees and structures. The ability to enable hospitality and host community events in an inviting place will encourage business and tourism, and bring community and visitors together.”

Mayor Otto said, “South Burnett Regional Council, with support from residents and businesses, has developed the Kingaroy Transformation project inspired by our vision to build a strong and vibrant region. The much-needed regeneration for this vital hub will build a strong identity for regional businesses, residents and provide a draw for tourists to stop and stay longer.”

“Council has completed its civil design ready for construction and is currently engaged in finalising the community and liveability concepts... check out a ‘sneak peek’ of the all new concept below! Council will further engage with the community in the coming weeks to finalise the concept prior to construction commencing,” Mayor Otto said.

Mayor Otto took the opportunity to thank the Federal Government for this much needed funding to progress a significant regional project which will enable a region battling ongoing drought and economic impacts the opportunity to emerge as a modern, vibrant regional community centre.

For further information contact regarding the Kingaroy Transformation project, please contact Council’s Infrastructure team on 4189 9100 or email.

To view the Kingaroy Transformation Flyer, click here.

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