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Request for Tender - SBRC-20/21-05 - Kingaroy Sewer Renewals 2020-21


South Burnett Regional Council is seeking offers from suitably qualified and experienced Contractors for the Kingaroy Sewer Renewal Project.

The project includes 693m of OD315 PE100 SDR17 installed via pipe bursting and 3,700m of relining sewer mains ranging in sizes from DN150 to DN375.

Tender documents will be made available on the LG Tender Box website from 14 September 2020. For all tender enquiries use the LG Tender Box tender forum. Register on the site to sign in and download or upload tender documents and participate in tender forums. The online forum provides a place to comment on the tender, and obtain further clarification if needed. In order to submit a post you must be logged in, have downloaded documents for this tender and the tender must not be closed.

Tenders are to be suitably endorsed, marked and lodged as per submission documents no later than 4pm Tuesday 6 October 2020.

sewer, pipe, relining