Community consultation on Council’s Arts, Culture and Heritage Policy
Council recognises the important contribution individuals, community groups and organisations make to the arts, culture and heritage of our region.
A draft Arts, Culture and Heritage Policy was tabled at Council’s General Meeting on 16 December 2020, with Council supporting the circulation of the draft policy to the wider community for review and comment.
Cr Danita Potter, Portfolio holder for Community, Arts, Heritage, Sport and Recreation said, “This policy will set the direction of Council and assist in budget discussions for 2021-22. I encourage the community to provide feedback on the draft policy as arts and heritage have far reaching impacts and advantages for our region.”
Interested community members are encouraged to ‘Have your say’ on the draft policy. To view the draft policy, visit Council’s website. Please provide your feedback in writing by Wednesday 6 January 2021. Feedback can be progressed via:
- Mail: PO Box 336 KINGAROY Q 4610
- Email:
For further information regarding the proposed Arts, Culture and Heritage Policy, contact Council on 4189 9100 or email Council.