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Standpipe water price confirmed


Standpipe water price confirmed

Council, at the General Meeting held 16 December 2020 resolved to confirm the price of standpipe water of $6.00 per kl for potable water and $5.00 per kl for non-potable water for the 2020-21 financial year and reconsider standpipe charges in setting Fees and Charges for future years.

In September as a result of public feedback, Council resolved to reduce the initial increase of $10 per kl until it could undertake a further review. The review resulted in officer’s recommending that the price for stand-pipe water be set at $6.00 per kl for the remainder of this financial year.

As a result of the resolution, the current charges of $6.00 per kl for potable water and $5.00 per kl for non-potable water will remain in place for the 2020-21 financial year.

For full details of the standpipe review please see Council’s December General Meeting Agenda report on Council’s website.

For further information regarding standpipe charges, contact Council’s Water and Wastewater team on 4189 9100 or email Council.

Standpipe water price confirmed