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Invitation to Offer – Pressure cleaning of Murgon CBD footpath


South Burnett Regional Council is seeking suitably qualified and experienced contractors to conduct pressure cleaning of the Murgon Central Business District (CBD) footpath at night to ensure there is minimal disruption to pedestrian traffic and business operations.

Works to include high pressure water blasting to remove dirt and stains on the spraycrete surface without damaging the surface.

Invitation to Offer: SBRCQ 20/21-120

Invitation to offer released: Thursday 18 February 2021

Closing date for offers: Wednesday 10 March 2021

Offer documents can be downloaded from Council’s website from Thursday 18 February 2021 or obtained from any of Council's Customer Contact Centres. Offers are to be submitted in person at the Kingaroy Customer Contact Centre or via email

For further information regarding the Tender or to book an inspection contact Council on 4189 9100 or email Council

Invitation to Offer – Pressure cleaning of Murgon CBD footpath