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South Burnett charges ahead


South Burnett Regional Council Mayor Brett Otto joined Assistant Minister Lance McCallum and publicly-owned power company Stanwell’s General Manager Southern Generation Michael Joy

to unveil the charging station located in the Alford Street car park.

Our Council has stepped towards becoming the home of the “Smart Country” and has joined with Stanwell in delivering the first public fast electric vehicle (EV) charging station.

“Today’s unveiling of Kingaroy’s first EV charging station is an exciting development for the region,” Mayor Otto said.

“The EV charging station will help service community needs as well as boost local tourism, economic activity and sustainability.

This project shapes the future use of vehicles in our region, aligning with Council’s corporate objectives and delivering transport initiatives that connect travellers with the South Burnett.

Assistant Minister for Hydrogen Development and the 50% Renewable Energy Target by 2030 Mr McCallum said that EV charging stations will play a critical role in supporting Queensland’s new Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy.

“Increasing public charging infrastructure encourages the uptake of EVs and drives economic benefits to regional communities while creating jobs and reducing vehicle emissions.” said Mr McCallum.

The installation of the Tritium RT50kW EV fast-charging station will provide up to 300 kilometres of range to an electric vehicle in an hour.

Infrastructure upgrades to support the provision of EV charge station were delivered as part of Council’s 2020-21 Capital Works Programme, with the cost of the EV charging station unit funded by Stanwell Corporation.

Stanwell General Manager Southern Generation Michael Joy said electric vehicle ownership in Queensland was increasing with rate of uptake likely to continue given falling electric vehicle prices, increasing fuel costs and motorists wanting to do their bit to lower emissions.

“The highest levels of EV ownership in the state are within South East Queensland, however regional ownership is increasing with vehicles now capable of travelling more than 500 km on a single charge ,” Mr Joy said.

“Stanwell is a proud member of the local community and appreciates the opportunity to work with the South Burnett Regional Council to offer this new facility”.

Kingaroy’s new EV charging station is now available for public use.

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South Burnett charges ahead