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Reappointment of the Chief Executive Officer


At the Council Meeting on Wednesday 15 December 2021, Council unanimously resolved to reappoint Mark Pitt as its Chief Executive Officer (CEO), extending his appointment to 2026.

Mayor Brett Otto stated that “Mark began a transformation which has improved the Council in many significant ways — both in our culture and how we serve our community.”

“Mark and his family have made the South Burnett their home over the past three and a half years, and Council looks forward to his continued role as CEO, helping us build better communities, grow our economy, and maintain our unique lifestyle.”

This reappointment maintains our commitment to continuity in the governance of the Council, and to drive forward issues of importance for the Council and the community.  

“There have been numerous initiatives and innovations that will ensure our region continues to be a great place to live and work,” Cr Otto said.

“We look forward to continuing to work for the community with Mark and our committed management team and staff, as we take our region into what I’m sure will be a bright future.”

Additional background 

Mark Pitt commenced his role as South Burnett Regional Council CEO in July 2018.

Mark holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Governance and Public Policy. Personally, Mark has been involved in a range of community and professional organizations including the Local Government Managers Association of Queensland of which he was admitted as a Fellow.   

In 2019 Mark was recognised in the Queen's Birthday honours list with the Public Service Medal for services to the Community and Local Government.

Ceo mark pitt