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Blackbutt CBD Streetscape and Footpath Upgrade – Update 18 March 2022


Works are continuing to progress the Blackbutt CBD Streetscape and Footpath Upgrade.

Amendments to the construction methodology have limited any disruption to the schedule of works and the original program timelines continue as planned.

The demolition of the old kerb and channel is complete within the first zone of works along Coulson Street from the intersection of Muir Street and Coulson Street toward the frontage of Les Muller Park. The construction of new kerb and channel and footpath areas is planned to commence Monday 21 March 2022, weather permitting.

The ability for vehicle access to property and business driveways will be impacted for several days while concrete curing process occurs, and new pavement works progress. Council apologises for any inconvenience and will endeavour to keep impacted businesses and properties updated.

The installation of new water service connections to properties and business are expected to commence Wednesday 23 March 2022. Residence and business are advised these works may require some disruption to water supply. Where possible, connections will occur outside of business hours to limit the impact and disruption of supply. These works will progressively occur over several days. Notice will be provided to impacted properties and businesses prior to any service disruption.

To maintain public safety some restrictions to vehicle parking and pedestrian access are expected, however these impacts will be limited and allow continual business access as construction progresses along Coulson Street. Construction noise is expected through the course of these works.

Site works and construction activity will be performed Monday to Friday – 6:30am – 5:00pm and Saturday – 7:00am - 5:00pm, with the project expecting to be completed by June 2022.

For further information regarding the project, please contact Council’s Infrastructure team on 1300 789 279, 07 4189 9100 or email Council.

Blackbutt CBD Streetscape, Footpath Upgrade, Update 18 March 2022Image: Map of works
Blackbutt CBD Streetscape, Footpath Upgrade, Update 18 March 2022