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Progress on Kerbside Recycling


Kerbside recycling bins were considered at a workshop undertaken by South Burnett Councillors last Thursday.

The workshop was in response to a Council resolution in January to investigate the introduction of a kerbside recycling service.

“Council will be engaging with the community to better understand residents’ views on kerbside recycling to inform future decisionmaking,” said Mayor Brett Otto.

Discussions during the workshop explored the community’s readiness for a recycling service, opportunities to divert FOGO (food organics and garden organics) from landfill,
areas of service and frequency of collection.

The South Burnett already has facilities for e-waste recycling. Kerbside recycling would add the next step to improved environmental outcomes for the region.

There was also conversation regarding the desire to support local operations such as the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) managed by the Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council.

Workshop participants agreed that the upcoming expiry of both the South Burnett Waste Management Strategy and the current waste collection contract presents the perfect opportunity to explore these themes with the community and other stakeholders.

The waste contract is a significant contract for Council in terms of its multi-million-dollar cost and long-term duration.

Kerbside recycling, Progress workshop, Councillors

Image: Councillors Henschen, Schumacher and Potter with Council staff and facilitator at Waste Recycling Workshop, Kingaroy. Other Councillors attended via phone