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Local Government Illegal Dumping Partnerships Program


The South Burnett Regional Council has been successful in applying for a Waste Compliance Officer

funded under Round 2A of the Local Government Illegal Dumping Partnerships Program (LGIDPP) managed by the State Department of Environment and Science (DES).

This is a continuation from Round 1 which identified 841,876 litres of illegally dumped waste across the South Burnett Regional Council area. Where an alleged offender could be identified and contacted, there was an average 76% success rate in the alleged offender returning to collect their waste and disposing of it correctly.

The Waste Compliance Officer will continue to investigate illegal dumping, create partnerships with key stakeholders, raise awareness within the community and develop long term strategies to reduce waste.

South Burnett Regional Council offers free household and green waste disposal at 17 transfer stations to residents. Mayor Otto noted that South Burnett residents are encouraged to utilise these facilities, as significant Council resources are used to remove illegally dumped waste and correctly segregate waste.

South Burnett commercial businesses are able to utilise Kingaroy, Murgon, Nanango, and Wondai waste facilities only.

Mayor Brett Otto said that illegal dumping and incorrect waste disposal issues are taken seriously by Council. “Illegal dumping can result in individual offenders facing fines of more than $2,000 and corporations facing fines of more than $10,000.”

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