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This week marks the commencement of the South Burnett Visitor Servicing Review that will consider the changing needs of visitors, industry, and the local community.

The purpose of this project is to identify and make recommendations on the ideal visitor servicing model for Council. Council has enlisted the services of Tilma Group to conduct the review and provide recommendations about Visitor Information Centres (VICs), visitor services and engagement.

The review is scheduled to be completed by the end of June. Tilma Group will meet with stakeholder focus groups including volunteers, Council staff, Councillors, tourism operators, and industry.

“Visitor servicing is the face of tourism, enabling tourists to be met by a local and to share stories of our region. We expect the review to ask questions and bring back solutions to shape a number of options for consideration in our future,” said Cr Kirstie Schumacher.

“We will consider the way tourists travel and develop strategies to take advantage of industry trends and opportunities. The review offers a way to consider changing needs due to the influence of technology and the way people access information and make travel decisions.”

“It is about looking at the resources we have, what we do well, the gaps in our current model, and how we may be able to do things better.”

Tilma Group is a tourism development consultancy who work with communities across regional Australia to help them increase the benefits from tourism. They have worked with the South Burnett Regional Council and local events on several projects in recent years.

In 2019, Tilma Group supported the community with PR management, producing and distributing local businesses stories, resulting in media attention valued at over $1 million.

Most recently, Tilma Group has developed a strategic plan for Kingaroy Baconfest.

"We are excited to be back working for the South Burnett, to be reviewing how to best encourage visitors to stay longer, spend more money, and see more of this beautiful region," says Tilma Group's director, Linda Tillman.