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Blackbutt Water Discolouration - Statement by the CEO, Mark Pitt


South Burnett Regional Council wishes to advise customers that a pipeline issue and a change of raw water source,

combined with rainfall with surface water runoff from tributaries, creeks and rivers in the South Burnett has contributed to increased water turbidity - making it increasingly difficult to produce clear water.

The current alternative water source is high in iron and manganese causing discoloured water, but when this is in contact with chlorine, the Boondooma water is safe to drink.

During rainfall events, elevated dissolved iron and manganese become suspended in the water. Conventional water treatment plants do not remove these trace elements. Liquid sodium hypochlorite (Chlorine) is used to disinfect the town water supply from virus, bacteria, and protozoans. This oxidising agent also oxidises the dissolved trace metals which present tea or rust coloured water.

During rainfall events, the water supply demand is low, and the by-product can be a ‘rust’ look or discoloured water within the reticulation supply. This can at times build up in low flow areas of the network and cause pockets of discoloured water, that, while aesthetically displeasing, are bacteriologically safe.

South Burnett Regional Council Water Team is working to resolve the problem with plans to air scour the pipe network in the next month. 

The initial treatment is usually to change the water source. Unfortunately, that hasn't been possible for the past three weeks due to a pipeline problem. An alternative interim treatment is localised flushing at fire hydrants to bleed the system, however this is not always successful.

The best treatment, and the one chosen by Council, is air scouring, the most expensive and complex solution. This can only be done once Boondooma water is again the water source as this process uses a lot of water. This strategy takes several weeks and involves scouring all mains in the town. The air scouring is currently being planned and customers will be notified via letterbox drops.  

We would like to inform the community that Council staff are working hard to resolve all challenges put forward by increased rainfall and pipeline issues.