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Rural Services Portfolio Budget Statement - Challenges & Opportunities in Rural Sector


“Going from drought to an unprecedented six months of wet weather has created havoc whilst also creating opportunities in all rural industries,” said portfolio Councillor Scott Henschen.

Budgeted expenditure on natural resource management and rural services in the 2022-23 Budget has increased by over 10% on the previous year to meet increased demand.

“The Natural Resource Management team will need to be vigilant and work with all tiers of government, industry, landholders, and many other stakeholders to combat outbreaks of weed infestations and feral pest incursions never or rarely seen in the South Burnett.”

Council is excited to commence work on a project with landholders and neighbouring Councils to promote and establish landholder led working groups to undertake coordinated management of feral animals and weeds in strategic areas of the Burnett and Gympie regions. Council was successful in obtaining funding of $200,000 under the Queensland Feral Pests Initiative – Round 6 to undertake this project which is expected to provide long lasting sustainable management of pest animals and weeds across the region.

With continued strong demand in the building and development industries, Council has budgeted $1.2M to provide development assessment, building certification services, and plumbing approval services during the 2022/23 financial year. This cost will be largely offset via application fees and charges.

A budget allocation of $946,000 has been provided for compliance activities during 2022/23.

Council will also finalise the proposed major amendment of the South Burnett Regional Council Planning Scheme. The change will look to improve the scheme’s efficiency by providing more streamlined requirements for development and remove unnecessary triggers for development applications.

“Commodity price hikes, staff shortages, Covid implications and availability of services and supplies are all in the mix facing Council delivery, however I am looking forward to a great year ahead,” said Councillor Henschen.