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Cleaner Footpaths for the South Burnett


South Burnett Regional Council is trialling the Tomcat ride-on street scrubber and the EcoVac commercial vacuum within the region.

Murgon, Wondai, and Nanango CBD footpaths have been part of the trial so far.

Council’s Parks work crew commenced cleaning Kingaroy CBD footpaths Monday 25th of July.

Residents may have started to see a difference in cleanliness of the kerbs paths and noticed less rubbish around the CBD areas thanks to the EcoVac.

Both pieces of equipment are designed to reduce environmental impact through being battery operated and using less water consumption.

The street scrubber has several different pressures for different cleans. The water spray, brooms and squeegee are set differently for the different footpaths. For example, Council has many different surfaces to clean including concrete, coloured concrete, and sprayed concrete with sealer, pavers, and tiles. Some of the footpaths have never received a clean and therefore hold a lot of dirt, grease, and oils.

The street scrubber commences at 5am in the morning and works through to 2pm. Thank you to shop owners for not placing signs and equipment on the street until the street scrubber has completed its run.

Thank you to the pedestrians for moving around the machine and reading Council’s signage.

The community is working together to improve the look and tidiness of our towns.