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Call for Water Projects


The Stakeholder Advisory Group is calling for

local input into potential water initiative projects to be included in a long list for consideration by the Bundaberg and Burnett Regional Water Assessment (BBRWA).

This Assessment, being undertaken by Sunwater, studies both supply and demand within the Burnett Catchment as well as strategically important water initiatives. The study is being undertaken in line with state government guidelines and to date has progressed through a review of available literature and towards the identification of a ‘Long List’ of potential initiatives which will be subsequently ranked as part of the process.

As a member of the Strategic Advisory Group, Cr Kirstie Schumacher has been tasked to bring forward new ideas for water initiatives to be considered as part of the BBRWA process and would welcome suggestions from all interested parties.

With Phase 2 of SBRC’s own Water Feasibility Project nearing completion, an extensive list of potential projects has been prepared for the Barker-Barambah and Boyne River catchments. As part of the SBRC project, several key projects have been shortlisted and are under more detailed assessment due to be complete in coming weeks.

“Landholders and other stakeholders in the South Burnett are encouraged to come forward with suggestions for the BBRWA ‘long list’ of initiatives which will be refined as the study progresses. The interests of the South Burnett community are well served by the detailed information and recommendations of our own study which can flow directly into the BBRWA process,” said Cr Schumacher.

“I welcome any further suggestions in order to best represent the interests of the South Burnett in the catchment-wide study.”

Stuart Nicholson, Chair of the Barker Barambah Irrigation Advisory Committee, added “This is our best opportunity to get all ideas on the table and in front of government. Please can everyone put your ideas forward – it only takes a couple of minutes. Don’t assume that someone else has already registered the idea. All initiatives are welcome.”

Cr Schumacher also acknowledged the significant contributions of growers Andrew Heatherington and Adam McVeigh to the assessment process.

The closing date for project suggestions to be given to the BBRWA study consultants is Friday 5th August 2022. Submissions can be posted on the interactive map with comments regarding the initiative: or emailed to:

Water Projects