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Cr Ros Heit - Human Resources Portfolio Report - 19 September 2018


Human Resources: I’m pleased to report that the ‘Voice of a leader’ training program received such good feedback that the presenter Simone de Haas will be coming back for more sessio

Human Resources:

I’m pleased to report that the ‘Voice of a leader’ training program received such good feedback that the presenter Simone de Haas will be coming back for more sessions with the staff. 

Secondly it was pleasing to see a number of staff at the recent QRRRWN annual conference in Kingaroy last week. A very well attended event bringing world class speakers to our region to inspire women from throughout regional, rural and remote Queensland.

Our record of staff safety continues to be very good reflecting Councils aim of ‘Zero Harm’ at work.

The positive offshoot of this is the reduced insurance premiums as a result of lower accident rate. Thanks you to the HR staff who continue to bang the drum of safe work practices to keep our workers and the community safe.