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Mayor Keith Campbell - Economic Development Portfolio Report - 19 September 2018


Wide Bay Burnett ROC Regional Economic Development Advisory Committee – REDAC REDAC Meeting was held in Gympie and attended by Council’s Senior Economic Development Officer, Craig Tunley.&

Wide Bay Burnett ROC Regional Economic Development Advisory Committee – REDAC

REDAC Meeting was held in Gympie and attended by Council’s Senior Economic Development Officer, Craig Tunley.  Meeting was provided with updates on regional priority projects and Government department activity.  WBBROC to make decision on new REDAC Chair and subsequently conduct a workshop on direction of REDAC in the future.

2018 Wide Bay Burnett Regional Economic Growth Forum will be held on Thursday 11 October at the Bundaberg Multiplex.  A FREE bus being coordinated through BIEDO will be going to Bundaberg for the day, making stops in Kingaroy, Murgon, Ban Ban Springs and Biggenden.  The Regional Economic Growth Forum is a key event in the regional economic development calendar and attendance is encouraged to all who have an interest in business and/or economic development.  Seats on the bus can be booked through BIEDO (0400 695 456 or and FREE registration for the Growth Forum completed online at

North and South Burnett Economic Development Partnership

Council’s Senior Economic Development Officer, Craig Tunley and North Burnett’s Economic Development Manager, Melanie Lavelle-Maloney, met up twice in August to build cross border relationships.  Early in August Craig Tunley travelled to Gayndah to discuss with Melanie Lavelle-Maloney ongoing activity in both Councils and upcoming joint tourism promotion through Kingaroy’s Bacon Fest.  Craig and Melanie met again for the joint tourism promotion at Bacon Fest, opening up the South Burnett Directions office adjacent to the Kingaroy Town Hall forecourt to promote upcoming events and attractions across both regions.

Disaster Recovery Capability Workshop

Council representatives from the Economic Recovery Sub-Group, Craig Tunley and Rosie Schmidt, attended a workshop facilitated by Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA).  The Workshop focussed on Recovery Governance and Communications and identified tools which will be utilised through the Economic Recovery Sub-Group Meetings in preparation for recovery activity.  The workshop was very useful and assisted in building capability within the Economic Development team for Disaster Recovery. 

The initial Economic Recovery Sub-Group meeting was also held in August in conjunction with the Business XL event.  A quarterly meeting of the Economic Recovery Sub-Group is proposed, with initial meetings focused on building an understanding of Group roles and responsibilities in the event of a disaster.

South Burnett Ag Network

BIEDO hosted the August meeting of the South Burnett Ag Network in Wooroolin with guest speakers from Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Environment giving a presentation on vegetation management.  Councillors, CEO and Council’s Senior Economic Development Officer attended the meeting.  The workshop provided an overview of Vegetation Management changes brought in earlier this year and the legal requirements agricultural producers must meet.  The workshop also included a presentation on Queensland Globe Mapping and how it can assist on-farm practices.

Business South Burnett - Business XL

The first Business XL event concluded activity for August.  Hosted by Business South Burnett in partnership with Nanango Tourism & Development Association (NaTDA) and Nanango RSL.  The event at Tara’s Hall, Nanango RSL, included a small number of businesses showcasing their products and services through open display stands, a Council procurement workshop and guest speakers from Nanango businesses.

Torkit Business Solutions sponsored a lucky door prize for the event, a video package including a 30 second video ad and 2 weeks advertising at the Kingaroy Cinema.  The prize was won by Nanango RSL who also had a business display at the event.  The Procurement Workshop and Nanango Guest Speakers attracted different crowds, with local businesses attending to hear the businesses speak after 5pm.  The panel of Business Development Group representatives concluded the program and a number of attendees took advantage of the RSL dinner special for ongoing networking and discussion.  Planning for Business XL 2 is underway, with expectation that it will be held in November.