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Exciting times for Kumbia as future planning and capital works commence.

The upcoming improvement to the streetscape is the start of Council’s commitment to improvements in the town. We are pleased to announce that planning is underway for Apex Park. 

Crs Henschen, Potter and Schumacher attended a public meeting at Apex Park last week to discuss future improvements to the park and other parkland that can be better used in the town. This is an early step in future engagement opportunities for the Kumbia community.

Council officers will be doing further investigations over the next three months to explore the possibilities and prepare options.  As part of the commitment to continue to consult openly with residents, Council will develop a public survey to capture the views of all Kumbia residents and visitors. All comments and ideas are welcome, and residents are encouraged to take part.

Once investigations are complete, Council will go back to the residents of Kumbia in the new year to discuss options before any decisions are made on the future of the town’s parkland.