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WHERE: Warren Truss Chambers, South Burnett Regional Council, Glendon St, Kingaroy

WHEN:   10.30am, Wednesday 26 October

WHO:      South Burnett Mayor Brett Otto, Councillors and 6 new citizens

Background: Citizenship ceremonies provide a formal welcome to new citizens as full members of the Australian community.  The Mayor is authorised under the authority of the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, and Multicultural Affairs, to preside over Citizenship ceremonies in the South Burnett Region.  Acquiring Australian citizenship enables those doing so to participate fully in our inclusive society, realise aspirations and achieve their full potential, regardless of their race, background, gender, religion, language, or place of birth.

The ceremony commences with the Mayor giving a welcome speech and reading a Message from the Minister welcoming the new citizens.  The new citizens will then take the Australian Pledge administered by the Mayor. The ceremony concludes with the playing of the National Anthem.  The Mayor also likes to present each new citizen with a copy of the “Landscapes of Change” book set which is a history of the South Burnett to commemorate this very special occasion.

New citizens and their family and friends are invited to attend the ceremony.