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Yellow Bins Arrive for Kerbside Recycling


Yellow lid recycling bins for the South Burnett’s kerbside recycling have started to arrive.

The recycling bins will be progressively delivered to households from late November until mid-December. They will be collected every two weeks on your normal waste collection day.

The yellow bins come with a handy information guide on what can and cannot be put in the bins. For example, bottles and newspapers are fine but normal rubbish and chemicals are not. Also, the recycled waste must be put in loose, not in bags. The recycled waste goes to the Cherbourg Material Recovery Facility (MRF) centre for recycling and will save a lot of landfill space.

Mayor Otto said that kerbside recycling is a major step for the South Burnett and there will be a period of adjustment to the new system while everyone gets used to it.

Further updates will be provided to residents as the commencement of the service nears.

Council also has plans for a ‘waste app’ to help make recycling user friendly. There will also be plenty of information going out through traditional channels such as advertising and media.

IImYellow bins, Kerbside, RecyclingImage: Mayor Brett Otto inspecting the bins at JJ Richards’ Kingaroy depot