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Free Council Land for Social Housing Partnership


The South Burnett Regional Council is pleased to announce a successful partnership between Council, Regional Housing Limited and the Queensland government

that will result in the building of two social housing units in Kingaroy.

This follows a December 2021 Council decision to supply four blocks of land to help with the housing shortage.

“Our region is no stranger to housing challenges, however, never before have we seen such a dire housing shortage,” said Cr Kirstie Schumacher.

“While it’s wonderful to see our region experience population growth, we know that business is struggling to house their workforces and that this is having a direct impact on our community.

“Right now, in the South Burnett, we know there are more than 180 people sleeping rough, and many of us have seen the unacceptable circumstances whereby local families are forced to live in tents and cars in our public spaces.

“Now more than ever we need more bricks and mortar outcomes and to continue working on the multi-faceted solutions needed to address the housing challenges.

“We’ve been working with South Burnett CTC, QShelter and Regional Housing for some time now, and share in their passion and commitment to helping to house vulnerable people in our community.

“These two social housing units are a positive step, but the work is far from done. We are committed to doing everything we can as a local government to help unlock more housing solutions.

“Our priority is to continue working together with all key stakeholders to explore possible practical solutions and ensure that every level of government is at the table.

“I’m heartened to know two more families will have somewhere safe to sleep because of the work we’ve been doing and thank the team for their efforts,” said Cr Schumacher.

Kris Robinson, Business Development Manager of Regional Housing Limited, said “Regional Housing Limited has been working in the South Burnett community for many years and is excited to be delivering our first new housing project in the region.”

“We are very thankful for the opportunity presented by this unique partnership between Queensland Government, Regional Housing Limited and South Burnett Regional Council - the first of its kind for RHL.”

“We know that the South Burnett community needs more housing than one development can provide and are working hard to secure more projects like this,” said Mr Robinson.

02 11 2022 Free council land for social housing partnership

South Burnett Housing & Homelessness Working Group – Isaac Hunter (Regional Housing Limited, Business Development Officer), Matthew Kenny (South Burnett CTC Corporate Services Coordinator), Jason Erbacher (South Burnett CTC Chief Operating Officer), Cr Danita Potter (SBRC), Kris Robinson (Regional Housing Limited, Business Development Manager), Jodi Thompson (Act. Senior Contract & Partnership Officer, Housing and Homelessness Services, Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy), Jackson Hills (QShelter Manager Policy and Strategic Engagement) and Cr Kirstie Schumacher (SBRC).