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Economic Road Map for Industry and Water Future


The South Burnett has an opportunity to transition into a clean future when Tarong Power Station closes.

The Premier announced last month that Queensland will end its reliance on coal-fired power stations by 2035.  As part of this plan, the Premier has pledged not to leave regional workers or communities behind, and to work with communities to develop regional economic futures strategies for regions where existing coal plants are located.

Under the new energy plan, it is expected that Tarong Power Station will close.  However, the water currently used for power generation can be re-purposed for productive agricultural use.  The Council has been working hard to plan for this future, and to ensure that the region continues to thrive, not just survive.

KBR have been engaged to prepare an Economic Road Map.  This road map will deliver food security for a growing Southeast Queensland population and local employment for transitioning workers.

The South Burnett has substantial opportunity to become an agricultural powerhouse feeding locals and establishing new export markets. The region has the right soil, favourable climate, growing markets, and generations of farming expertise. The only limitation is water availability. 

The Economic Road Map identifies areas of immediate potential for new irrigation, including additional storage in the Barker Barambah scheme, conversion of Gordonbrook to irrigation and expansion of the Blackbutt irrigation scheme.

This plan to transition to a new, green economy was presented to Council on 2 November.  A series of public meetings will be held to explain the local implications of the Economic Road Map.

“This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to influence our future.  The Premier has asked us to develop a regional economic strategy and we have.  It’s now time to discuss this with the community,” said Water portfolio Councillor Kirstie Schumacher.

“Once community consultation is complete, we will be asking the Premier to invest in our region to ensure that jobs remain local and that the region transitions into a clean agricultural hub,” said Mayor Brett Otto.

02 11 2022 Economic road map for industry and water future

Mayor Brett Otto, Cr Kirstie Schumacher, and KBR’s Matt Bradbury with the Economic Road Map Report, Wednesday, 2 November 2022