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Home Creek Loop Road Cushnie - Planning to start on Bridge Replacement


South Burnett Regional Council is pleased to advise it was successful in obtaining funding under the Australian Government’s Bridge Renewal Program (BRP) to replace Home Creek Loop Road

and has been working behind the scenes to get the project off the ground.

The Bridges Renewal Program provides funding to fix issues with bridges no longer fit for purpose, often involving the replacement of historic single-lane timber bridges with a with safer and more durable, modern concrete structures. The bridge replacement is jointly funded between the Australian Government and South Burnett Regional Council.

The old timber bridge was permanently closed in 2019 following a level 2 bridge inspection. This inspection identified that the bridge was in poor condition with a number of structural defects identified that affect the load-bearing capacity. This triggered the need for an option analysis to determine the most cost effective design for its replacement.

Consideration was given to undertake a refurbishment of the existing timber bridge, however it was deemed that the most cost effective long term solution was to undertake a full bridge replacement using a concrete structure

Council is extremely grateful to have received $583,680 in funding from the Australian Government which funds up to 80 percent of the cost of repairing or replacing old and unsafe local bridges.  This is a fantastic win for the local community.

A design and construction tender will be released to market in the coming months to engage a contractor, and all things going well, Council expects to commence works late 2024/25. Council will endeavour to provide you with updates as we move through the process.

For further information, please contact Council's Works team on (07) 4189 9100 or email