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Mayor Otto’s speech at vigil for fallen Police Officers


Mayor Otto’s speech at vigil for fallen Police Officers

Presented by Mayor, Brett Otto of South Burnett Regional Council on  Monday 19 December 2022:

We stand here today to pay our respects to the two officers whose lives have been taken by this senseless act.

Ladies and gentlemen, I would appreciate your careful attention for just a few short moments as I share my thoughts with you.

Firstly, let me say, on behalf of our region’s people, to you, colleagues of Constable Rachel McCrow and Constable Matthew Arnold who lost their lives defending us, colleagues Randall Kirk and Keely Brough who endured this traumatic incident, our thoughts, our feelings and our deepest sympathies are with you, and with their families and their loved ones. Our hearts are breaking with yours.

Ladies and gentleman, a wise friend of mine once said that without our police officers, our society would be chaos. For it seems that in today’s world we have not the ability to self-regulate.

At the start of each shift, the men and women of our police service leave their homes not knowing what will confront them, will they return to their families, will they have to endure the loss of a colleague. Were it not for them, and their families, taking this responsibility upon themselves in defending our safety, then it would be you and I who would have to face that reality each and every day on the streets in our communities.

So ladies and gentlemen, next time you see a police officer in the street, take the time to simply say thank you for keeping us safe, the next time you are pulled over for a breath test, say thank you for keeping our roads safe.

And Ladies and gentlemen, this Christmas day, take just a few moments, share a few words, maybe even a prayer, a compassionate thought for our police and their families.

And can I say, to those who take it upon themselves to propagate and promulgate wild conspiracy theories, hateful manifestos, vitriolic mass gatherings, and fringe message boards and websites, targeting our police, shame on you.

To you who engage in such behaviour I say this, the next time you go on the internet take a moment to have a close look at the faces of those two young people, whose lives were taken at the hands of radical extremists subscribing to such hatred.

To the rebel politicians who seek personal glory through mis-informed rhetoric, to the media who give you airtime, and to those keyboard warriors who through some delusional mind-sets hold yourselves out to be leaders, in promoting hatred towards our authorities and police, again I say, shame on you. I pray that you will reach out to God to find a more peaceful and humane way.

Having said that, to our officers, please always remember that 99% of the people recognise and respect you for the wonderful work you do, under very challenging circumstances. And know, that on this day, and every day forward, we, your community will be standing with you at all times.

For we know ‘with honour you serve’.

Thank you and God bless.

19 12 2022 Policy vigil