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Mayor Welcomes additional NBN connections in Kingaroy but says it Falls Far Short


Mayor of the South Burnett, Brett Otto has welcomed the announcement by NBN CO and the Australian Government that some additional premises in Kingaroy will be eligible for fibre connected directly to

their home or business.

These upgrades are part of the nbn fibre upgrade program - which was boosted by the Australian Government’s recent announcement of an additional $2.4 billion investment.

Customers living and working in around 3 million premises around Australia currently served by nbn Fibre to the Node will be able to access full Fibre to the Premises upgrades by the end of 2025.

“This is desperately needed to support our local businesses and our increasing population in Kingaroy. People living in Kingaroy deserve the same services afforded to their city cousins,” Mayor Otto said.

Mayor Otto has also stated his disappointment that other communities in the South Burnett have been forgotten. “We are experiencing population and business growth in all of towns, If the government wants people to live and work in regional centres then they need to step up and invest in services.”

“Why should people in small towns be disadvantaged simply because of their location. These centres do much of the heavy lifting in the Australian economy, it’s only fair that governments support our growing rural communities,” the Mayor said. “I will be writing to our local Federal members of Parliament in coming days to make this point and asking them to raise the issue in Canberra,” the Mayor said.

13 02 2023 Mayor otto

South Burnett Mayor Brett Otto