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BOIL WATER ALERT LIFTED - Kingaroy - Premier Drive Estate


South Burnett Regional Council wishes to advise customers that the boiled water alert has been lifted.

Repeated microbial water samples have provided clear results across the water supply scheme.

Council has been working closely with Queensland Public Health Unit and the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water, to ensure water quality is safe.

As a precaution for residents that have a trickle fed supply through a rainwater storage tank, it remains recommended for customers to boil water as an additional precaution.

Untreated rainwater supplemented with reticulated town water will always remain a risk and customers are advised that water for consumption should be brought to a rolling boil for 1 minute.  Kettles with automatic cut-off switches are suitable and variable temperature kettles should be set to boil.  Water should then be allowed to cool and stored in a clean, closed container and refrigerated.  Care should be taken to avoid scalding injuries.

Council apologises for any inconvenience that this may have caused and thanks you for your patience throughout this process.

If you have any further enquiries, please contact Council via phone on 4189 9100 or email

24 03 2023 Boil water alert lifted resized for website