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Coffee, Cake and Chat in Nanango


“I am delighted to announce that South Burnett Regional Council successfully held the 3 C’s (Coffee, Cake and Chat), at the beautiful Ringsfield House in Nanango on 29 March 2023,” said Mayor Otto.

Guest speaker Graham Stark a Mental Health Regional Advisory Clinician from Darling Downs proudly presented “Understanding the signs and taking care of your health and wellbeing”.

Graham encouraged the community to look for the signs; if you are feeling anxious, unhappy and have had any changes in behaviour, you should seek assistance, whether that be a friend, a professional or in the event of an emergency ring 000.

Mayor Otto expressed his thanks to Graham, the QCWA ladies for catering and a special thanks to our funding bodies both Federal and State that made today possible.

“There will be other events like this one right across the region and I encourage our community members to attend and let’s start the conversation,” said Mayor Otto.

This event is supported by assistance provided through the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).


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Left to right - Sarah Due (NEMA), Graham Stark (Clinical Nurse Consultant - Mental Health Regional Adversity Clinician), Linda O’May (Disaster Resilience Officer – South Burnett Regional Council)

Coffee, Cake and Chat in Nanango