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South Burnett Local Disaster Management Group – Update - Completed Projects


The Disaster Management Team and Emergency Management Coordinator held a 3 day training and exercise to our Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) agency members and Council staff in November 2022

together with running an exercise with the Bunya Mountains Disaster Management Sub Group to ensure our planning aligns with response priorities.  This also allowed for testing of our disaster management systems used by agencies within the LDMG.

Our Disaster Management Officer also attended a pre-season exercise with Department of Transport and Main Roads.  This was a great exercise and we were pleased to be invited along to participate with neighbouring Disaster Management Officers, Emergency Management Coordinators and Executive Officers.

Council’s Disaster Management Officer and Evacuation Centre Coordinator held visits with our Emergency Service Officers to familiarise themselves with the evacuation centres and processes for the region.  This was a great opportunity to build some networks between the teams also.

Future training and preparedness opportunities are under constant review.  Prevent, Prepare, Respond and Recover.