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Rural Resilience, Indigenous Affairs, Parks and Facilities


South Burnett Regional Council’s 2023-2024 Budget includes substantial capital investment in Council’s parks, facilities, and community assets.

Portfolio Councillor Kathy Duff welcomed the record level of funding, saying, “Council is investing in improvements and essential maintenance across the range of Council’s assets. The investment Council is making in these public facilities will ensure South Burnett residents continue to have access to first class community facilities across the region”.

Council has also allocated $200,000 for the installation of solar panels on Council facilities to reduce electricity operational costs.

Key capital projects in the 2023-2024 budget include:


Upgrades to various parks totalling $4,128,337 (substantially funded by the Queensland Government through the Works for Queensland program and the Federal Government Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Fund)

Major Projects include: -

  • Dingo Creek Carpark sealing           
  • Kingaroy to Murgon Rail Trail crossing repairs      
  • Reseal of Kingaroy to Murgon Rail Trail     
  • Kingaroy Memorial Park - Footbridge Replacement, Youth Precinct Redevelopment, New picnic tables under shelters
  • QEII Park Murgon - Stage 2 QEII Redevelopment
  • Murgon Skate Park- half basketball court  
  • Coomba Falls - completion of steps
  • Proston Lookout development
  • Kumbia Recreation Park redevelopment   

Works will also be undertaken in Blackbutt Les Muller Park, Benarkin First Settlers Park, Nanango Pioneer Park, Nanango Lions Park, Kumbia Apex Park, Kingaroy Lions Park, Kingaroy Apex Park Carpark, Kingaroy Carew Park and the Blackbutt to Linville Rail Trail. A Full list of capital projects can be found within Council's budget documents on Council's website: Budget – South Burnett Regional Council


  • Blackbutt - Town Hall reroof -$200,000                 
  • Murgon PCYC Bathroom renovations - $650,000
  • Murgon PCYC Squash upgrade viewing platform - $80,000

Swimming Pools                                                                                                                                                                                         

  • Murgon - Expansion Joints replacement and repainting pool shell - $140,000  
  • Wondai - Install para mobility pod to allow disability access to pool - $100,000
  • Kingaroy - Install para mobility pod to allow disability access to pool - $100,000

Public Amenities

  • Wondai 24hr Camping – upgrade grounds, drainage and carparking - $150,000
  • Nanango- Butter Factory Park additional toilet block - $220,000
  • Kingaroy- Lions Park Amenities Replacement - $269,815