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Financial Benefits of Recycling


Council wishes to remind residents of the financial benefits of recycling, with it now being over six (6) months since the commencement of the kerbside domestic recycling collection service.

South Burnett residents participating in the recycling service are helping to divert waste away from landfill, which in turn is extending the operational life of the landfills in the South Burnett. To construct and operate a new landfill is costly and requires an approval process. Maximising the longevity of the South Burnett landfills will in turn save the ratepayers from funding a new landfill.

Further benefits of recycling are the reduction of costs to Council towards the landfill levy imposed by the State Government for every tonne of waste that goes to landfill. For the 2023-24 financial year, the State Government has set the landfill levy for domestic waste at $91.00 per tonne. Waste levy and rates also apply for commercial, industrial, construction and demolition waste.

Council encourages all residents to divert as much waste as possible from landfill to ensure longevity of the South Burnett landfills and to minimise costs associated with waste levy payments paid to the State Government.

For further information on recycling and how you can reduce your household waste visit Council’s website Waste Minimisation – South Burnett Regional Council