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Community, Arts, Heritage, Waste and Disaster Management


The 2023-24 Council budget will see a continued focus on supporting the community sector with the continued delivery of community and social recovery and resilience programs across the South Burnett.

Funded by a $1.6M Federal Government grant (Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grant) over last year and this year, Council will continue to deliver economic recovery, social recovery, and resilience programs to build stronger South Burnett communities.

Council will continue support for the communities’ sector via subsidies on rates, water, sewerage and even rubbish services through exemptions and concessions.

Portfolio Councillor Danita Potter said that “Council’s commitment to arts and culture, continues with $15,000 allocated in Council’s budget for the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) program. On top of that support, Council has again allocated $121,000 to provide assistance to not-for-profit organisations through grants administered within the Community Grants Program”.

Delivery of Council’s exceptional library services will continue across the region with a budget allocation of $1,146,165.

Disaster Management

Council will complete substantial works responding to previous flooding events with a damage bill of almost $50 Million in repair works continuing to be completed across Council’s road network to repair damaged sections of the network.

$20,315 goes to support the South Burnett’s State Emergency Service (SES) operating expenses.

$97,649 has been allocated for upgrades to the Blackbutt SES Group building with Council obtaining a 75% funding contribution for this project from the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services.


Council has adopted a $8.7 million budget for waste management covering waste collection services, transfer station operations, landfill disposal sites management, this is an increase of approximately $2.1 million on last year’s budget.Whilst increasing service provision costs are noted a considerable portion of this increase is attributed to the kerbside recycling service which will be provided for the full year as opposed to the 6-month service in 2022/23. Council is also facing increasing cost pressures from compliance with environmental authorities, a shortfall in waste levy reimbursement from the State for domestic waste and the expected increase in rates for a number of landfill management contracts that fall due within the year. Council has been required to increase to utilities charges to support the delivery of waste services.

Weekly collection services for the collection of domestic waste from a 240-litre waste container servicing domestic premises will increase by 6% to $192 per year. Weekly collection service for the collection of commercial waste from a 240-litre waste container servicing commercial premises will be $273, an increase of 6%.

The Bunya Mountains waste management separate utility charge rises to $231, an increase of 6%.

Waste Management Levy

To enable Council to fund the costs associated with the provision, improvement, and management of all waste disposal facilities across the region, a uniform waste management levy of $185.00, an increase of $10.50, will apply for all rateable property across the region.

Capital Works

In 2022/23 Council purchased land and commenced planning the long-awaited Transfer Station site at Maidenwell with $250,000 allocated in 2023/24 to complete construction of this facility.

$303,780 has also been allocated to complete the installation of a weighbridge at Nanango Landfill site. Installation of this weighbridge is a legislative requirement as part of the future operation of this site.

Waste Management and Climate Change Adaption Strategy

In 2022/23 Council allocated $250,000 to complete a waste management and climate change adaption strategy with a 55% funding subsidy received from the State Government. These projects will be completed in 2023/24.

Recycling Service

In January 2023 Council introduced a fortnightly kerbside collection service for the collection of recyclable waste from a 240-litre waste container servicing domestic and commercial premises in the designated waste collection. The full year cost for this service will be $74 an increase of 5.7%.  Pensioners will receive a 50% rebate on kerbside recycling.