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South Burnett Regional Council Budget Highlights 2023-24


South Burnett Regional Council adopted its 2023-24 budget at a special meeting on Wednesday 21 June.

“Council has carefully considered the recommendations put forward and debated pro-actively to achieve a budget outcome that serves the best interests on the good people of the wonderful region that is the South Burnett” said Mayor Brett Otto.

The 2023/24 financial year budget has been adopted after eight months of deliberations including more than 11 workshops and 8 live streamed Budget committee meetings involving Councillors and the Executive Leadership Team.

Overall total rates revenue in the 2023/24 budget will increase by 5.52% (including discounts and concessions) compared to an annual CPI rise for Brisbane of 7.4% (March 2023).  This increase in rates will result in an anticipated collection of $57.02M which represents 70.14% of operating revenue, the balance being made up from grants, fees and charges, interest earned and other revenue streams.

Council’s cash holdings remain in a strong position with reserves being built up to assist with funding significant capital programs in the next 10 years for water, wastewater and waste infrastructure.  Water and wastewater programs alone require an investment of $87.4M over the next 10 years to ensure reliability of the network and allow for future growth of the region.

“Council is extremely grateful for the successful grant funding received through the Australian and Queensland governments across multiple grant programs, for continued funding to build stronger South Burnett communities” said Mayor Brett Otto.

Successful grant funding received from the Australian government as follows:

  • Roads to Recovery
  • Local Roads and Community Infrastructure
  • Regional Airport Program
  • Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF)
  • Black Summer Bush Fire Recovery Grants Program (BSBR)

Successful grant funding received from the Queensland government as follows:


  • Works for Queensland Program
  • Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program
  • School Transport Infrastructure Program (STIP)
  • Building our Regions Program

Jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments:

  • Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements

Council will undertake a significant Capital Works program for the 2023/24 year, with a budget of $33.354M including Council’s contribution of $23.083M.  Capital grant funding of approximately $9.5M from State and Federal Government agencies has been sourced to assist with funding of the capital program. 

Some key projects to the value of $29.87M include:

  • Roads - $12.56M
  • Water - $5.30M
  • Wastewater - $2.68M
  • Parks - $4.768M
  • Plant & Equipment - $4.56M