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Get Ready Queensland Week 2023 (9 – 15 October 2023)


Queensland experiences more natural disasters than any other state or territory in the country. Our beautiful state has experienced more than 100 natural disasters since 2011.

Get Ready Queensland Week (9 – 15 October 2023) is the time when Queenslanders prepare for extreme weather.

Our communities need to be ready to face bushfires, storms, cyclones and heatwaves. That’s why our 2023 campaign is once again asking households to plan ahead and pack an emergency kit, so they are ready when the weather turns bad.

Experience shows communities that are well prepared and supported before a disaster are more resilient and able to recover faster.

South Burnett, it’s time to GET READY!

We are asking residents to think about how extreme weather could impact your life, make a plan to stay safe and pack supplies so you don’t get caught out.

Think about packing:

  • Long-life food and toiletries in case you can’t get to the shops.
  • Drinking water in case the water supply stops working.
  • Batteries, a torch and radio in case the power goes out.

These are the basics, but also consider what other items your family might use if you had to stay at home for multiple days.

There are other things you can do to be ready for extreme weather:

  • Clean-up – Check around the house and yard and make sure your home will hold up against the elements.
  • Sign-up – Subscribe to mobile weather notifications from the Bureau of Meteorology or Council’s Disaster Dashboard so you’re informed and can act quickly.
  • Connect – Know your neighbours and connect with your community.
  • Get covered – Check your insurance to make sure your property can be fixed or replaced if it’s damaged.

Get Ready Queensland has useful information and tips on their website, so be sure to visit

Take the time now to get prepared and make Queensland the most disaster resilient state in Australia.

Please follow Council’s Facebook page for the next 7 days for important messaging around how to be prepared this disaster season.

For more information about the Get Ready Queensland annual campaign, contact the team at Get Ready Queensland or Council’s Disaster Management Officer on
4189 9100.



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