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Roadside Grazing Permits


South Burnett Regional Council advises at the October Ordinary Meeting of Council, it was resolved to waive the fees associated with roadside grazing permits.

Whilst the South Burnett is not officially drought declared, at this time Council acknowledges the need for roadside grazing during the current period of financial hardship due to the drought type conditions. The position of drought declaration within the South Burnett region will be reviewed in April 2024.

The removal of the fee is seen as a way of encouraging more applications to Council to ensure the correct level of public liability insurance is held. Roadside grazing also reduces the fire risk with the reduction of grass on roadsides.

To obtain a permit, landholders will need to complete an application for a “Stock Route Grazing Permit” detailing the following information:

 • number of head and description of herd (sex, age, brand)

• public liability insurance details (minimum of $20 million)

• property identification codes and lot on plan numbers of where the stock have come from

• the area applying to be grazed. This is usually adjacent to the landowner’s property, however, if it is not, Council may require a letter of non-objection from the adjoining landholder

To apply for a permit please complete the application here: Application for a Stock Route Grazing (Agistment) Permit ( and submit to Council.

For further information, please contact Council on 4189 9100 or email

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