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Adoption of the Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategic Plan


The South Burnett Regional Council adopted the region’s first Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy at the Ordinary Council meeting on Wednesday 15 May 2024. 

The South Burnett Arts, Culture and Heritage (ACH) Strategy is a 5-year plan for growing the sector and engaging communities in creative opportunities. It will be an overarching strategy, prioritising initiatives that have been determined by the communities of the region.

The ACH Strategy provides direction to South Burnett Regional Council in facilitating programs and projects based on community-driven priorities, within resource capacity.

The ACH Policy clearly defines Council’s role as a facilitator in the sector, working towards:

  • Providing leadership to the sectors through advocacy, promotion and development/ maintenance of Council’s arts, cultural and heritage assets
  • Identifying and responding to community needs through strategic planning
  • Assisting with local coordination of art culture and heritage activities
  • Assisting in the stimulation of the arts, culture and heritage-based enterprises
  • Encouraging collaboration across sectors
  • Managing and displaying Council's art and heritage collections across its facilities

Council also sees their role in supporting economic development through ACH including:

  • Building competitive advantage for the region based on its unique cultural heritage and the engagement of artists to interpret and respond
  • Building opportunities for arts and cultural expression into tourism activities and campaigns
  • Understanding the skills development needs of the sector and assisting to deliver on these needs
  • Encourage the development of place-based arts, cultural and heritage projects to support the promotion of the region
  • Provide access to arts, cultural and heritage activities through Council owned infrastructure

Chair of the Arts, Culture and Heritage Advisory Committee, Cr Danita Potter said “Participating and connecting to our arts, culture and heritage has never been so important. This strategy will support initiatives that will not only strengthen our communities but also our region’s economic growth, community resilience and the overall wellbeing of our region”.

Mayor Kathy Duff said “The South Burnett region’s identity is deeply intertwined with the expression of arts, the preservation of heritage, and the celebration of our rich culture and unique narratives. As Mayor, I am proud to lead a council committed to championing these aspects that define us. Our local stories, history, cultural heritage, and creativity are fundamental strengths that continue to attract visitors and enrich the lives of those who call this region home. By recognising and celebrating these assets, we ensure that the South Burnett remains a vibrant and sought-after destination”.

The ACH Strategic Plan is available here.

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