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Council’s Phone System gets a Refresh!


Mayor Duff is excited to advise the community, that Council is in the process of changing the phone system so that locals can talk to locals at our Customer Service Centres.

“It was one of my election commitments to return the depots back to the towns and part of that process was to decentralise the phone system so that rate payers could phone and talk to someone in their local Council Office”, Mayor Duff said.

The new system will be a press button system for each town and if it takes too long for someone to answer, it will revert to the first available officer in any one of the towns.

Council will seek tenders for the afterhours service, due to residents expressing their concerns with the length of time it can take to get a call answered with the current supplier.

“Generally, when someone is calling the afterhours number, it is for a problem that requires immediate attention and it is a concern if the call centre takes up to 20 minutes to respond”, Mayor Duff said.

Council will be looking for a better service and a quicker response time going forward to restore confidence in Council’s afterhours service back in the community.

The Council voted unanimously for these changes at the July General Meeting of Council with the motion also including improved safety for lone workers.

Council staff currently working on their own are required to call in when they have returned from a call out which can take time waiting in long phone queues to be answered. Council’s Workplace Health and Safety team will engage an external service provider for an app-based lone-worker monitoring system.

For further information or enquiries contact Council on 4189 9100 or email

9 07 2024 Resized media release council s phone system image


Council Customer Service Staff, Mayor Kathy Duff and GM Jarvis


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