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South Burnett Landholders urged to prepare now for 2024/25 Bushfire Season


With a mixture of high vegetation loads and persistent frosts across parts of Queensland including the South Burnett region, conditions have led to an increased risk of bushfires this season.

South Burnett Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) Chair, Councillor Danita Potter is urging property owners to be hyper-vigilant and commence their bushfire preparations now, with dry grass posing a significant fire risk.

It’s critically important that residents prepare and act now during the cooler months to ensure their bushfire mitigation activities are on track. “If you’re a landholder, I urge you commence your risk mitigation activities ahead of the fire season,” Councillor Potter said.

“Ensuring there is adequate access in and around your property for crews to enter, giving them the best chance to stop the progress of a fire.  Simple steps like mowing your lawn regularly, trimming overhanging branches and getting rid of flammable materials (old timber and other flammable materials) from around your home and other outbuildings, removing leaf litter and sticks from roof gutters and the like, can all help to reduce your risk”, Councillor Potter said.

Excellent resources and information about contacting local fire wardens, bushfire warnings, and how to prepare for bushfires can be found on the QFD website:

Bushfire warning qr code 

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