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Water Main Replacement - Markwell Street Kingaroy


As a part of Council’s Capital Works program and its commitment to ensure the long-term sustainability and efficiency of our water infrastructure,

Council is undertaking a replacement of the water main along Markwell Street, Kingaroy between Youngman Street and William Street.

The replacement is planned to be carried out from Monday 3 March 2024. Works are expected to be completed in a 4-week timeframe, weather and machinery permitting.

Works will be undertaken between 6:00am and 3:00pm and in order to provide a safe work environment for Council staff, contractors and users, signage and some minor traffic restrictions will be in place during the time of works to control flow of traffic and ensure pedestrian safety. Motorists and pedestrians are requested to travel with extra care, to drive to the prevailing road conditions and to adhere to signage.

Council will provide further notice to residents of the affected areas for the planned water interruptions to the water supply during construction.

Council apologises in advance for any inconvenience this work may cause and appreciates your patience while these works are in progress.

Please direct any enquiries to Council’s Water and Wastewater section by phoning 4189 9100 or by email