Media Release - Biosecurity Risk Alert - New Invasive Weed Detected
A new restricted invasive weed has been confirmed by the Queensland Herbarium after a sample was submitted by Council for identification.
A new restricted invasive weed has been confirmed by the Queensland Herbarium after a sample was submitted by Council for identification. Mayor Keith Campbell said “Council’s Natural Resources Management (NRM) Officers responded to concerns raised by a landowner that he may have Cabomba growing in a farm dam on his property located near Nanango. Council will be undertaking surveillance of dams and waterways in the surrounding catchment area to determine the extent of the infestation and identify the risk of further spread to new areas.”
Cabomba is (Cabomba caroliniana) a restricted invasive plant (Category 3) under the Biosecurity Act 2014, and a Weed of National Significance. It is regarded as one of the worst weeds in Australia because of its invasiveness, potential for spread, and economic and environmental impacts. It can significantly reduce water storage capacity and taint drinking water supplies. In the past Cabomba had been sold as an aquarium plant with its spread assisted by the dumping of these plants from fish tanks and ponds into local waterways and dams.
Mayor Keith Campbell said “Cabomba is a water weed that grows quickly and produces vast amounts of submerged plant material. We ask that all landowners inspect their farm dams, ponds and waterways.” Cabomba can look similar to native Fanwort with underwater leaves divided into fine branches, giving them a feathery fan-like appearance. If in doubt Council’s NRM Officers are available to confirm the identification.
Council are encouraging all landowners across the South Burnett to familiarise themselves with the identification of Cabomba and report any suspicious plants to Council as a priority. Reports will assist in mounting a response against this new biosecurity threat to our region.
For identification, to report possible sites or to find out further information, please contact Council’s NRM Officers on 4189 9100 or download the factsheet here.