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Cr Danita Potter - Health Portfolio Report - 15 November 2017


The Dog Registration Renewal Notices have been issued.  The following points in relation to the coming dog registration period will be of interest for dog owners: As our local owners are aware, d

The Dog Registration Renewal Notices have been issued.  The following points in relation to the coming dog registration period will be of interest for dog owners:

As our local owners are aware, dog registration renewals have been issued this month.  I am happy to advise that Council is offering all dog owners a 10% discount on their dog registration fees, if paid before 1 December 2017. 

This registration period I am excited to announce that Council will be commencing the use of Perpetual Tags.  The Perpetual Tag is designed to last the expected lifetime of an animal.  

Council again has provided for a Pensioner Subsidy in this new dog registration period.  For aged pensioners already approved for the Aged Pensioner Subsidy their recently issued renewal notice has already had the Pensioner Subsidy deducted from the amount that they have to pay.  The 10% discount for early payment will also apply.  Council encourages any South Burnett aged pensioner, who has a de-sexed and microchipped dog, who has not as yet approached Council to apply for the Aged Pensioner Subsidy to contact any of the South Burnett Regional Council offices to enquire as to their eligibility.